In 2013, Derek and Romaine spent a good deal of the their time helping to support a variety worthy causes. After all, how many times did you hear a guest who was in need of help with their crowd funding for their projects. Remember when Romaine raised money and then almost killed her navigator as she worked crew on the Cycle for the Cause? Plus, DNR put together their first charity auction of custom Vinylmations for the Family Equality Council at Gay Days Anaheim. Which is why this year instead of giving out DNR stockings we wanted to focus on what is really important during the holiday season. Giving.
Here is how it works.
1. Pick an organization from the list below to support.
2. If you are creating a care package please buy items from the suggested lists below.
3. If you are making a monetary donation in lieu of a care package follow the link to make the donation.
4. Once you have assembled your care package take a picture of it and email it to us at: so we can post it on our social networking sites.
5. Ship your care package to the address listed for your organization. Please write "DNR Season Of Giving" somewhere on the box.
We wouldn't ask you to do all of this for nothing so for all of the people who create a Season of Giving gift we will email you a special token of our appreciation. So make sure you email us your pictures of your care package or let us know if you made a donation and don'r forget to provide us an email address where we can send you our special Thank You gift.

Derek and Romaine want to thank all of our listeners for their continued support for the past 10 years. You never cease to amaze us and we know better then anyone the power of our listeners when we come together for a common cause. So let's make this Season of Giving really count and help some people who need it most.
L.A. is the nation’s number one destination for homeless and abandoned youth. Of the thousands who sleep on the streets here, a whopping 40% are LGBT boys and girls. And only one organization in Los Angeles is dedicated to serving them: the L.A. Gay & Lesbian Center.
We offer much more than life-sustaining support like food, clothing, medical care and a warm bed; we offer young people the help they need to get off the streets and make it on their own, including counseling, GED preparation, job placement assistance and mentoring.
No organization does more for LGBT youth … and sadly, the need has never been greater. Will you please make a generous donation today?
Please consider donating the following items:
· New or gently used Backpacks
· New underwear and socks, (men’s and women’s, tube socks and women’s tights are perfect)
· New/Unopened Travel sized & hotel toiletries (shampoo, conditioner, soap, lotion)
· New/Unopened Travel sized & hotel toiletries (shampoo, conditioner, soap, lotion)
· Grocery store and/or coffee shop gift cards in $5 or $10 increments
· Gently used casual clothes (all adult sizes)
· Gently used professional attire for job interviews
· Gently used winter coats and sweaters
· Shoes in good condition (tied or taped together, please)
No food items, please.
The Ali Forney Center (AFC) was started in June of 2002 in response to the lack of safe shelter for LGBTQ youth in New York City. We are committed to providing these young people with safe, dignified, nurturing environments where their needs can be met, and where they can begin to put their lives back together.
AFC is dedicated to promoting awareness of the plight of homeless LGBTQ youth in the United States with the goal of generating responses on local and national levels from government funders, foundations, and the LGBTQ community.
Each year the Ali Forney Center provides holiday gifts for the
youth in our housing programs, as well as the hundreds of kids on our waiting
list. For many of these kids this will be the only gift they receive for
the holidays and possibly the only gift they have received in years. Our
goal is to brighten the holidays of these wonderful youth during what is
typically a very depressing time in their lives. Any support you can lend
to helping us in this endeavor would be greatly appreciated.
Please consider donating the following
- Gift Cards in $10 denominations to four AFC approved vendors (McDonalds, Starbucks, Old Navy, and iTunes). We choose these vendors for very specific reasons: McDonald's - they are prevalent in NYC, they have a 1$ menu, and many of them are 24 hours. This is a huge benefit for the hundreds of kids on our shelter waiting list. Starbucks - They are everywhere! We give these cards to our youth in the shelter program. Many are in school or starting their first jobs and coffee is very necessary ;-), Old Navy - also everywhere! Teenage friendly clothing that is super affordable, and iTunes - so that the clients who get iPods can put music on them!
- New hats, gloves, and scarves
- New socks
- School Supplies (notebooks, markers, etc)
- Candy!!!
Please Ship to:
The Ali Forney Center
c/o Bill Torres
224 W 35th St, 15th floor
New York, NY 10001
Please Ship to:
L.A. Gay &Lesbian
Youth Center on Highland
1220 N Highland Ave
Los Angeles, CA 90038-1207
The American Military
Partner Association is the nation's premier resource and support network for
the partners, spouses, and families of America's LGBT service members and
veterans. Through education, advocacy, and support, AMPA is helping to make a
difference in the lives of our modern military families.
Each year the American Military Partner Association helps put together care packages for members of our nation's military who are currently deployed. They have a dedicated list of LGBT soldiers who have signed up to receive packages and all donations raised by our Season of Giving will go to compile and ship care packages to those soldiers. So please make a donation today and help bring a little holiday cheer to those men and women who are fighting for our freedom this holiday season.
To make your donation click here: Donate Now