Thursday, February 19, 2009

Facebook Friends

I have made a point of saying repeatedly on the show that I don't add people I don't know on Facebook. I do have a Facebook Fan Group, as tacky as it sounds, which I am thrilled for people to join. But Facebook has lots of personal info on it and I really just want to use it as a way to keep up with my friends and family. You know, a private place that is just mine and not the domain of all 19 million SIRIUS XM subscribers. That's not too much to ask right? You get four hours out of me every day, can't I have the other twenty hours to myself?

Well, I got a friend request today and it made me laugh so hard I was very tempted to add the listener just because frankly it's hard to make me laugh like that. Anthony in Orlando, FL wrote: "Hey Derek. I know you don't want to add people to your friend list that you don't actually know, but come on, I listen to you every day (which my boyfriend hates). Dont' be a bitch, princess." Bizarre punctuation aside, his request really touched me. And really, do I know him any less than the woman I apparently went to high school with but don't remember who tried to add me last week? Not really. But I am still not going to add him.

So join my Fan Page and you can see videos of me and photos and my blog updates automatically in the notes section. And post something. And be funny like Anthony. I like that.


  1. You've got to have some parts of your life be private. I don't understand why some listeners have such a problem with you keeping Facebook private.

  2. I received a notice on FB to check out your blog and THIS is what I find??? You have a bigger head than that woman on the Sudafed commercial, Hartley...geesh...

  3. You mean this commercial?

  4. I had no idea I had so much forehead!

  5. Some people get confused because they are encouraged to add people as friends who have friends in common by the site. I believe you are totally entitled to some privacy. It's not as if there was no other way to communicate with you. Some people just don't have a clue! Trucker Patti

  6. Yes, Derek love you do have a lot of forehead. It just means your super smart and that you probably buy sunscreen by the gallon.
